
Stupendous Sun Transit Photo Of The ISS + Endeavour

This is certainly one of the most incredible space photos every realized... this photo was making the rounds internally at NASA, and was then sent "outside" the agency.

ISS transits the sun Thierry Legault, photographer This quality of photo is the norm for such pros as Thierry Legault and information has been received from inside NASA that he did, indeed, shoot this incredible shot of the International Space Station and Endeavour crossing the sun. If you would like to view more of Mr. Legault's superb astrophotography, visit his website by selecting the fantastic photo above.

Mr. Legault is an engineer who lives near Paris who started his digital imaging in 1994... a Hi-SIS 22 that was 14-bit and had no shutter. He currently uses a SBIG STL-11000M CCD camera with AO-L system that is equipped with large and narrow band filters. He also uses a reflex Canon 5D, webcams from Philips as well as Astrovid video cameras. He is pictured here with his equipment, which includes Takahashi refractors, which he uses for large field, deep-sky imaging — in this case, FSQ-106 and TOA-150 with large size corrector. To visit Thierry's website, access this direct link.


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