Arianespace has received a Services & Solutions contract with Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems for the launch of Japanese satellite BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R. BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R will be launched during the first half of 2011 by an Ariane 5 from the Guiana Space Center, Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. The satellite is being launched on behalf of Japanese operators B-SAT Corporation and SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation within the scope of a turnkey launch contract with Lockheed Martin Commercial Space Systems. This is the 26th contract that Arianespace has won in Japan out of a total of 35 commercial GTO satellite launch contracts open to competition. Weighing about 3 tons at launch, BSAT-3c/JCSAT-110R will be positioned in geostationary orbit at 110 degrees East and will provide direct TV broadcast links and telecommunications services for all of Japan.
Arianespace Must BSATisfied With New Sat Contract
More Tests Set For Brazilian—Chinese EO Sats
Brazil's National Institute of Space Investigations (INPE) has initiated additional tests on two satellites that are expected to be launched in five years as part of a joint program with China. The INPE announced on its web site that scientists are testing dynamic resistance, sine-wave, and acoustic vibrations on the satellites of the Chinese-Brazilian Remote Vigilance Program (CBERS). The tests are being conducted in the INPE labs in the southern city of Sao Jose dos Campos. The satellites CBERS-3 and CBERS-4 are scheduled to be launched in 2010 and 2013 respectively.
The CBERS program was established in 1988 to allow China and Brazil to develop, build, launch, and operate satellites together. The first satellite, CBERS-1, was launched in 1999 and operated for four years until August of 2003. CBERS-2, was launched in 2003, and fulfilled its five-year mission in orbit on Oct. 22. CBERS-2B, the third of its kind, was launched on Sept. 19,2007. The CBERS is currently part of the world's main Earth-observing mission program that includes the U.S. Landsat, the French Spot and the Indian Resource Sat. Brazil uses satellite images to monitor the deforestation of the Amazons and to get agricultural information and, this year, also started to provide free satellite images to Latin American and African countries.
(Image: CBERS satellite, courtesy of China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite/INPE.)
GVF Focus On Maritime Satellite Broadband Communications, Need Now More Than Ever
Recent headline news of the latest of a growing number of acts of high-seas piracy — the latest incident off the Horn of Africa — has brought a renewed emphasis on the vital and increasing importance of the freedom and security of the oceans.
The hijacking of the Sirius Star, a Saudi Arabian super tanker carrying US$100 million worth of U.S.-bound crude oil, is a notable illustration that the high-seas are a prime means of transporting our globalized trade goods. This renders our ability to communicate effectively while on the ocean surface just as important as at times when we undertake our economic activities and social pursuits on dry land, activities that are more and more dependent on information and communications technology-related efficiencies aboard vessels on the high-seas. This latter point is the key premise behind an innovative conference — jointly organised by the Global VSAT Forum (GVF) and its partner organisation UK-EMP — which will address a range of topics that are at the cutting-edge of satellite broadband communications in the maritime environment.
Recognizing the need for the development of a networking platform, within which the role of the satellite communications industry in meeting the very latest broadband communications applications requirements of various industry segments in the maritime sector could be discussed, the organisers of the Broadband Maritime: New Communications Networking Offshore & the High-Seas 2009 (BM 2009) conference have selected Singapore as host city in recognition of its premier status in the shipping and ports industries. The conference organizers are delighted to announce BM 2009 will be held in association with Inmarsat, internationally recognized as a pioneer in the field, operating a constellation of geostationary satellites designed to extend phone, fax, data communications and broadband applications all over the world, including in the maritime space. GVF and UK-EMP are also delighted to welcome Intelsat as a sponsor and supporter of the Singapore event.
Euroconsult Examines Global Expenditures For Space Programs In Detailed Report
Euroconsult has announced that world government space program expenditures are at a historical high of more than $62 billion dollars in 2008, with planned satellite launches in the next ten years to increase 38 percent over the previous decade.
According to Euroconsult’s new report Government Space Markets, World Prospects to 2017, governments have clearly entered a new phase of investment, committing to the development of a new generation of programs worldwide. Furthermore, government space program expenditures worldwide are expected to grow at 4.5 percent per year through 2012, reaching nearly $70 billion. The development of governments’ space markets is driven by the growth of countries committing to space projects — about 40 countries in 2008, twice as much as a decade ago — as well as the expansion of governments’ nominal investments into their space programs around the world.
For established government space programs, security has become a key driver, pushing budgets higher and increasingly — encouraging dual use funding and/or Public Private Partnerships. This has also led to more complex implementation schemes in the US, Europe, Japan or Russia. New leaders India and China have reached milestones in developing a new generation of systems targeting applications including space science and manned spaceflight, once reserved to the established government space programs. In the coming years they could contribute significantly to new capabilities in space exploration.
After a first wave of programs focused on low-cost projects (often Earth Observation), many emerging government space programs are now considering their next generation programs, often implying large investment to expand capabilities in applications such as SatCom. Countries such as Nigeria and Thailand were among the first to do so, and other countries such as Venezuela and Angola are following suit.
“Government space programs are driven by long-term strategic national objectives which are typically less influenced by short-term economic downturns,” remarked Steve Bochinger, Director, Institutional Affairs at Euroconsult. “However, governments could restrain spending on non-priority space program budget items or may find it more difficult to attract private partners to co-fund Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) projects,” he noted. “On the other hand, the economic slowdown may induce governments to increase their investments on infrastructure-related programs to support their economies, as the November Ministerial Council of the European Space Agency demonstrated” he concluded.
Civil space programs currently benefit from the majority of funding with nearly $33 billion spent by over 40 countries worldwide. In comparison, ten countries invest in defense-related programs for a value of $29 billion. However, 95 percent of this spending is concentrated in the U.S. Global government spending on defense programs is likely to catch up to civil program spending in the next five years, with most countries’ defense spending generally trending upward. Satellite-related applications are clearly driving growth in government programs worldwide with a large number of countries committing to developing or acquiring satellite systems for their own use in specific programs.
Earth observation is the number one satellite-based application worldwide, with government spending $6.7 billion in 2008, i.e., 20 percent of government non-classified investment in space. Lower cost satellites and ability to address local issues has made EO the top priority application for a number of countries, particularly emerging space programs. Strong growth is expected to continue in civil programs, while expenditures for defense and security programs are likely to stabilize at current budget levels.
Investments in satellite communications (Satcom) programs have been growing steadily, reaching 6.6 billion spent in 2008 for both non-classified defense and civil programs. Overall, 128 satellites are planned for launch in the next decade driven by the defense sector as well as projects in developing countries. Satellite navigation (satnav), $2.6 billion in 2008, has been the fastest growing application in terms of public-sector investment (+21 percent per year over the past five years). In addition to GPS next-generation satellites developed in the United States, Europe, Russia, India, Japan, and China are investing in a new satellite navigation system that should boost the expenditures to $3 billion in 2010, with 144 satellites expected to be launched for navigation applications between 2008 and 2017, i.e., over double that of the past decade.
Manned Spaceflight represents the largest space budget item worldwide with $11.6 billion invested in 2007, an 8 percent increase over 2006. While this is largely due to the U.S. program at NASA, Russia is also increasing its capabilities to service the Space Station and India and China are investing in this area. While all programs are currently under review, it is expected that the U.S. will continue supporting NASA’s development of the Constellation Systems. Emerging space programs, large and small, are bringing new energy to space science, which will drive growth in the number of scientific satellites launched over the next decade (105 satellites planned for launch over 2008-2017 compared to 84 the last decade). However, stagnation or decreases in budgets at major space agencies are not likely to be offset by growth from these newcomers.
This 11th edition of Government Space Markets, Forecasts to 2017 provides an exhaustive assessment of government space programs, financing, and strategic trends for all key government space applications including perspectives for the next ten years. (Applications include Satellite Communications, Earth Observation, Satellite Navigation, Space Science, Manned Spaceflight, Launcher Development, and other Defense Applications). The report serves as a unique qualitative and quantitative benchmark of leading and emerging government space programs around the world.
B4U Buys Onto AsiaSat-3S
Asia Satellite Telecommunications Company Limited (AsiaSat) has announced B4U Broadband (India) Private Limited (B4U) has signed a contract to deliver two Hindi television channels, B4U Movies and B4U Music, through AsiaSat’s C-band full transponder MCPC (Multiple Channels per Carrier) platform on AsiaSat-3S. Under the agreement, AsiaSat provides C-band capacity and transmission services to deliver B4U’s television signals to AsiaSat’s Tai Po Earth Station in Hong Kong, for uplinking onto AsiaSat-3S’s full transponder MCPC platform. Aboard South Asia’s most popular television platform AsiaSat-3S, B4U now enjoys instantaneous access to all cable and pay TV.
DMCii Competition Now Underway For EO Data Delivery For Projects
Satellite imaging provider DMC International Imaging (DMCii) will provide free DMC constellation satellite imagery for scientists to support global environmental monitoring projects.
Scientists are invited to compete for the opportunity to use the DMC multi-spectral data in their research projects. Applications will be judged on their contribution to international environmental research by an international panel of scientists chaired by Professor Alan O'Neil from the National Centre for Earth Observation. DMC constellation data will be awarded to five U.K. and 5 Spanish science projects. The provision of data will be coordinated by DMCii in the U.K. and Spanish company Deimos Imaging in Spain, which will soon join the DMC with its new satellite DEIMOS-1.
Satellite imaging is a powerful tool for monitoring land use. It offers a valuable "eye in space" for monitoring and recording environmental change on a global basis. DMCii has previously provided free data to the science community, from which scientists have produced excellent results which include monitoring the burning of peatlands in Indonesia. The DMC constellation of five satellites work together to image large areas of the Earth. As several satellites and their respective owners (Algeria, China, Nigeria, Turkey, U.K.) cooperate together, the constellation can image a given geographical location frequently to identify changes or make the most of cloud-free periods. This unique combination makes the constellation highly effective for monitoring land use.
The multi-spectral sensors on-board the five spacecraft capture accurate images of the Earth, in visible spectral bands as well as infra-red. This additional information is used by scientists to identify specific detail, such as Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data which assesses whether the target being observed contains live green vegetation or not. For more than four years, DMCii has acquired images enabling Brazil to monitor deforestation in the Amazon Basin. The DMC constellation has also contributed to the EC's landmark Global Monitoring for Environmental Security (GMES) project.
Halt! Who GOES-R?
All ready to go and then — no go. Lockheed Martin was told by NASA to stop work on the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES-R) satellite, due to a protest filed by Boeing with the U.S. Government Accountability Office over the December 2, $1.09 billion satellite award. The GAO is the investigative arm of the U.S. Congress and has the authority to review government acquisition actions and recommend corrective actions, including termination of improper awards. Another company that lost out in the bidding was Northrop Grumman. No comment from them whether they are contesting the choice of Lockheed Martin.
NASA, in coordination with the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) December 2, selected Lockheed Martin Space Systems to build two satellites for NOAA's GOES-R program. The first launch of the GOES-R series is scheduled for 2015. Data from the NOAA satellites will be used for weather forecasting and environmental, space and solar science.
A Boeing official said the company learned "very little" from a December 10 contract debriefing from NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on why Lockheed Martin was chosen over Boeing. Based on what it did hear, Boeing concluded, "We offered a superior proposal under the disclosed evaluation criteria." GAO has 100 days to respond to the company's protest.
Boeing built the current generation of GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) weather satellites on its older 601 platform, and offered a modularized version of its current commercial bus, called the 702B, for the new series. The cost estimates of the next generation constellation of three to eight GOES-R spacecraft increased from an originally budgeted $6.2 billion to $11.4 billion, resulting in the space agency to pare back its plans launching two spacecraft, with options for a third and fourth. The current lifecycle baseline cost is $7.7 billion.
GOES-R will provide about 50 times more weather and climate data than the current series, and is noticed by solar- and space-viewing instruments in addition to the traditional Earth views. However, mounting costs prompted NASA to cancel the Hypersonic Environmental Suite, intended to provide detailed atmospheric measurements of temperature, humidity and pressure. The agency still hopes to fly an equivalent instrument at some point in the future.
Acquisition Accomplishment — Dassault Aviation + Thales
The French government and Dassault Aviation have signed an agreement paving the way for Dassault Aviation to acquire Alcatel-Lucent’s stake in Thales, joining the French government as core shareholder in Thales.
The agreement follows authorization by the French Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Employment and a ruling by French stock market authority AMF that the operation does not require Dassault Aviation to launch a mandatory takeover bid. Relations between the French government and Dassault Aviation will be governed by a shareholders’ agreement virtually identical to the current agreement between the French government and Alcatel-Lucent, under which the French government maintains a dominant position in relation to Dassault Aviation. All of Alcatel-Lucent’s commitments with regards to preserving the French government’s strategic interests in Thales will also be guaranteed by Dassault Aviation. Following this transaction, and once Dassault Aviation has acquired the 5.1 percent stake in Thales currently held by Groupe Industriel Marcel Dassault, the “public sector” and Dassault Aviation will together control 53 percent of the capital and 61 percent of the voting rights in Thales. This will give Thales a stable shareholding base, anchored in a long-term vision. Strengthening the partnership between Thales and Dassault Aviation will create a world-class French center of excellence in strategic technologies, aerospace, defense and security, mirroring entitles formed by the United Kingdom, Italy and Sweden around core companies.
Ravens Receive OK For Flights In Italy
Italy has certified the U.S. Raven UAV (RQ-11B) for use by military and civilian operators in Italian air space. Currently, Ravens are in the air more than 300,000 hours a year for combat missions (mainly in Iraq and Afghanistan). More than 9,000 Ravens have been delivered or are on order. The Raven B (RQ-11A), that was introduced this year, weighs a little more (4.3 pounds), but has much better sensors as well as the option of carrying a laser designator. The 4.2 pound Raven A is inexpensive (approximately $35,000 each) and can remain airborne for 80 minutes at a time. The UAV is also battery powered, silent, with either a color day vidcam or a two color infrared night camera payload. Both cameras broadcast real time video back to the operator, who controls the Raven via a laptop computer.
The Raven can travel as quickly as 90 kilometers an hour, but usually cruises at between 40 and 50 for distances as much as 15 kilometers from the craft's controller. The Raven is made of Kevlar, the same material used in helmets and protective vests. On average, Raven can survive about 200 landings before an element of the craft needs to be replaced. While some Ravens have been shot down, the most common cause of loss is the communications link failing (as the aircraft flies out of range, usually) or a software/hardware failure on the aircraft. The flight control software has a "failsafe" mode — when the radio link between aircraft and operator is lost, the aircraft will immediately head for the location from where it was launched. Raven B has a rescue beacon in the tail that transmits a location signal. The big advantage with Raven is that the craft is simple, reliable, and it works. A complete system (controller, spare parts and three UAVs) costs $240,000. The UAV can be quickly disassembled and secured into a backpack. To take off, the operator starts the motor and then throws the Raven into the air. This can be accomplished from a moving vehicle. The controller allows the operator to capture video, or still pictures, and transmit them to other units or a headquarters. The operator often does this while the Raven is flying a pre-programmed pattern using GPS. The operator can also fly the Raven, which is often used when pursuing hostile gunmen.
Terrorist Trend Results In Indian Subsurface Alarm With UAV/SatCom Dependancy
Underwater terrorism is the new worry for the Indian Navy even as it struggles to wriggle out of the Mumbai embarrassment.
The Western and Eastern Commands of the Indian Navy have approached the Defence Development and Research Organisation (DRDO) to rework an old gadget developed during the days of the Kargil tension. The device is an acoustic alarm that sounds in ear-bursting frequencies strong enough to effect a driller-through-the-eardrum feel in any swimming fidayeen or enemy diver. The Navy used an experimental model of this gadget to insulate its aircraft carrier during the Kargil War. The instrument deploys a string of sensors around the ship and is activated when one of them detects a suspicious movement. Sources in the Navy also confirmed that a decision to e-fence all Naval ports has been taken in view of the never-before strategies being innovated by terrorists.
There was an incident reported off Iraq about a midget submarine being used to smuggle a two-man crew into waters where U.S. ships were berthed. Though that mission was not fully successful, some damage was done, unnamed sources said. The DRDO has decided to speed up its Nayan program that is aimed at installing a multi-layer electronic protection along coasts berthing high-value and strategic targets. Nayan will feature seabed sensors that transmit to a land-based control room either through a satellite or a low-cost UAV. The DRDO is trying to set up a central command in Delhi to monitor all major ports. As a first step, the Navy will spread the Nayan cover over its Seabird project in Karwar. The installation at ports will be done only after a new system to regulate traffic at a outer sea choke point is installed, sources said.
(Source: Express Buzz, Manoj K. Das.)
Buono Fortuna Boeing With COSMO-SkyMed Project
The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA], through the Company's commercial launch business, has received a contract to launch the fourth satellite for the COSMO-SkyMed (Constellation of Small Satellites for Mediterranean basin Observation) program for Thales Alenia Space Italia, prime contractor of the Italian Space Agency. The COSMO-SkyMed spacecraft is expected to be launched in 2010 from Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif., on a Delta II vehicle in the 7420-10 configuration. Boeing Launch Services will procure the launch vehicle and related support from United Launch Alliance, a Boeing-Lockheed Martin joint venture. To support a rapid initial operating capability, Boeing successfully launched the first three COSMO-SkyMed satellites from Vandenberg within the 17-month period between June 2007 and October 2008.
Thales Alenia Space Italia developed the COSMO-SkyMed program for the Italian Space Agency and the Italian Ministry of Defense. This is an end-to-end Earth-observation system comprised of four medium-sized satellites and supporting ground stations, which provide orbit-control systems and data reception and processing. The system takes imagery of the Earth using an X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) instrument capable of operating in all visibility conditions. Thales Alenia Space has provided Delta II tanks to Boeing since 2001 and built the Cupola and Harmony Node 2 elements of the International Space Station (ISS) for the European Space Agency. Boeing is the prime contractor for the ISS.
Ariane 5 Successfully Launches Twins For Eutelsat
An Ariane 5 ECA launcher lifted off from Europe’s Spaceport at Kourou, in French Guiana, on its mission to place two multi-role telecommunications satellites for Eutelsat into geostationary transfer orbits. Lift-off of flight V186 took place at 23:35 CET/Paris on 20 November (22:35 UTC/GMT; 19:35 UTC-3/Kourou). The satellites were accurately injected into the correct transfer orbits about 30 minutes later.
The payload was comprised of Hot Bird™-9, which will deliver television signals and interactive services to DTH antennas and cable networks throughout Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, and W2M, which will provide television broadcasting and data network services to the same regions using a fixed antenna, while a steerable beam will be re-oriented in-orbit to deliver services as required. The payload mass was 9220 kg; the satellite masses totalled 8340 kg, with payload adapters and dispensers making up the additional 880 kg. The client is Eutelsat. Arianespace and Europe’s Spaceport are planning as many as eight launches during 2009, which will make it the busiest year ever for the Ariane 5 launch vehicle. The ability to sustain high launch rates has already been demonstrated as during the 12-month period from August 2007 to August 2008, there were nine launches (V177 to V185, inclusive).
The Ariane 5’s cryogenic, liquid fuelled main engine was ignited first. Seven seconds later, the solid fuel rocket boosters were also fired, and a fraction of a second later, the launch vehicle lifted off. The solid boosters were jettisoned 2 min: 20 sec after main engine ignition, and the fairing protecting the payload during the climb through the Earth’s atmosphere was discarded at 3 min: 16 sec. The launcher’s main engine was shut down at 8 min: 57 sec; six seconds later, the main cryogenic stage separated from the upper stage and its payload. Four seconds after main stage separation, the engine of the launcher’s cryogenic upper stage was ignited to continue the journey. The upper stage engine was shut down at 24 min: 55 sec into the flight, at which point the launch vehicle was travelling at 9308 m/s (just over 33 500 km/h) at an altitude of 708 km and the conditions for geostationary transfer orbit injection had been achieved. At 26 min: 44 sec after main engine ignition, Hot Bird™-9 separated from the launcher’s upper stage, followed by W2M at 32 min: 10 sec.
(Photo, top, shows the Ariane 5 ECA for flight V186 on the launch pad, and is courtesy ESA/CNES/Arianespace/Activité Photo Optique Video CSG. Image, above left, is of the Hot Bird-9 satellite. Image, above right, is of the W2M satellite.)
A Predator Wish + Heron Height Hassle For Turkey
As speculation mounted that Turkey might opt for an Israeli armed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to meet its needs, the Turkish Land Forces Command made its official request to the country's procurement agency to launch a bid for a US General Atomics Aeronautical Systems made Predator UAV. The Turkish army sent a letter to the Undersecretariat for the Defense Industry (SSM), Turkey's military procurement agency, on December 4th, requesting it initiate the purchase of at least one U.S. Predator UAV under the Foreign Military Sales conditions, said well-informed Turkish defense industry sources close to the project. The Turkish army, said to be uneasy because the SSM was dragging its feet to initiate the purchase of a Predator, made its request to the procurement agency amid speculation that the Turkish government has shown an interest in buying at least one Israeli made Harpy 2 following Turkish Defense Minister Vecdi Gönül's visit to Tel Aviv in late October. Turkish Land Forces Commander Gen. Işık Koşaner acknowledged at a news conference on October 27th that Turkey plans to buy a US-made UAV, noting that the Turkish military has one Predator UAV at its disposal and has been gathering intelligence on the activities of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), mostly in northern Iraq. If purchased, the U.S. has pledged to supply Turkey with the system within 18 months.
In a related development, soon after the arrival of two out of 10 long-awaited Israeli Heron UAVs to Turkey late last month, some Turkish press reported technical problems with the vehicles. Quoting Anka news agency, local Aselsan-made electro-optical payloads (Aselflir 300T), which were mounted on the two Herons, were heavier, thus reducing the altitude of the vehicles from the required 30,000 feet to 24,000 feet. Decline in altitude of Herons delivered to Turkey will make them prone to the enemy targets while causing a waste of fuel, a shorter range, and less endurance in air, and a smaller surveillance area. Turkish defense industry sources confirmed the report but claimed that the technical problems with the Heron UAVs are not insurmountable. The engines of the Heron UAVs are being strengthened to carry the heavy Aselflirs in order for the UAVs to reach an altitude of 30,000 feet. The vehicles are deployed at the Batman military base in the country's southeast.
(Source: Today's Zaman. Photo, top, Predator, courtesy of Raytheon. Photo, bottom, Heron UAV, courtesy IAI.)
Taurus II Testing Tagged For Stennis Space Center
NASA's John C. Stennis Space Center will provide propulsion system acceptance testing for the Taurus II space launch vehicle, which Orbital Sciences Corporation of Dulles, Virginia, is developing.
The first Taurus II mission will be flown in support of NASA's Commercial Orbital Transportation Services cargo demonstration to the International Space Station (ISS). The demonstration currently is planned for the end of 2010 from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Virginia. Orbital's Taurus II design uses a pair of Aerojet AJ26 rocket engines to provide first stage propulsion for the new launch vehicle. Orbital anticipates the first engine will be delivered to Stennis in mid-2009. Stennis engineers will have less than one year both to design and make modifications to the E-1 Test Stand to accommodate testing of the engine. The engine uses RP-1 hydrocarbon fuel, basically refined rocket-grade kerosene, as rocket propellant. This type of rocket fuel has not been used at Stennis to test a rocket engine this powerful since the late 1960s. Testing the engine will require two phases of work. The initial phase will ensure the facility is meeting its designed requirements. Engineers then will test the engine to determine whether it meets the contractor's requirements. This second phase, the acceptance test, will take place in late summer 2009.
"When Stennis Space Center develops this capability, it will make Stennis' test expertise available to a whole new line of rocket engine developers in both the commercial and government space launch arena,"said Robert Bruce, Stennis' AJ26 test project manager. "We are renewing a capability that the center had when it first opened, giving Stennis the ability to test hydrocarbon fuel for the first time at the E-1 Test Stand. This fuel was used in the 1960s, when Stennis conducted tests for the Saturn V rocket. We have only tested with RP-1 in two much smaller tests since that time."
(Images: Top—Taurus II launch vehicle, artistic rendition, courtesy of Orbital Sciences. Above— the test firing of a Space Shuttle main engine in the A-2 TEst Stand at Stennis Space Center. Image courtesy: NASA.)
IDF Makes Their UAV Selection
The Israel Defense Forces has selected an enhanced version of Elbit System's Skylark mini-UAV for operation at the battalion level. The IDF has been operating the Skylark since 2005, as part of an operational evaluation by the Ground Forces Command. Following the recent selection, Skylarks mini-UAVs will become an integral battalion level mini UAV, providing battalion commanders and company leaders the capability to look 'over the hill'. The UAV will significantly extend intelligence gathering under all types of contingencies, from low-intensity conflict to full scale war. Other attributes considered unique to this type of aerial vehicle are the capability to operate 'under the clouds', even under severe weather conditions, and the low acoustic signature, enabling stealthy operation, particularly at night. Other systems evaluated by the IDF for this role included the Orbiter, from Aeronautics, the Skylite B from Rafael and Blue-Bird Aero Systems, The Birdeye 400 from IAI, and Casper 250 from Top-I-Vision and Rotem Industries' Sharvit group. All systems systems competing for the 'Sky Raider' program were enhanced to meet expanded operational requirements, particularly regarding range and endurance capabilities.
The IDF intends to as many as 100 systems at an estimated cost of $50 million. U-STAMP mini-payload comprising a mini-FLIR, configured for mini-UAVs such as the Skylark. The Skylark system has been operational since 2004, and is extensively used by several members of ISAF in AFghanistan since 2005. The IDF has also employed the system to a limited degree during the 2nd Lebanon War. While the IDF began evaluating the Skylark in 2003, the system has been widely endorsed and is operating with International customers for several years. Australia, Canada, Sweden, and France are among the international operators of the Skylark. The system is also being evaluated for possible deployment in support of the Dutch forces in Afghanistan.
SatTracking Logistic Assets Contract Awarded To ARINC + Impeva
ARINC Incorporated and Impeva Labs, Inc. has announced the U.S. Army Logistics Innovation Agency (LIA) has awarded the companies a contract to install and demonstrate their satellite-based Next Generation Wireless Communications (NGWC) tracking, security, and monitoring capability on containerized shipments of Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives (AA&E).
The NGWC capability protects shipments by continuously monitoring their locations and cargo conditions, and reporting as necessary over a satellite network (e.g., Iridium) from any point on Earth. This advanced capability is designed to provide real-time, end-to-end visibility of shipments moving throughout the distribution pipeline. The initial demonstration of this capability will track an outbound shipment originating from a depot in the western United States during the next 30 days. A follow-on demonstration of this capability will track shipments outbound to their final destinations in theater, and will also track retrograde shipments returning from in-theater ammunition supply points back to depots in the U.S. The companies started their partnership to develop the NGWC capability under a 2006 Army contract. Unlike other cargo monitoring systems, the technology does not require any local infrastructure or personnel support along the route.
A battery-powered satellite link inside each container-mounted device continuously relays cargo condition and location data. No fixed or handheld RFID interrogators, or cellular networks, are required for the NGWC capability to provide continuous reporting. Applied to unit deployments, retrograde unit moves, or sustainment shipments, NGWC technology provides actionable information directly to personnel who can effect change by alerting local authorities to off-route shipments, breached containers, over-temperature frozen foods, or a variety of additional sensor-based criteria. The NGWC cargo electronics module accepts inputs from any standard sensor and can be tailored to monitor a wide range of factors. Motion and intrusion detectors, impact recorders, temperature and humidity sensors, and refrigeration diagnostic devices can be implemented. All cargo-related data and continuous GPS position reports are encrypted before being sent over the satellite link.
A Tata Sky High — Another Milestone Achievement
NDS is a partner of the leading DTH provider in India, Tata Sky, and the latter achieved a major milestone, as they have now reached 3 million subscribers within a period of only 27 months. The latest 1 million subscribers were gained in just the past seven months.
Working with NDS, Tata Sky has revolutionized television viewing for Indian audiences. The platform is protected and powered by an end-to-end suite of NDS solutions including VideoGuard® conditional access system (CAS), MediaHighway® middleware, an advanced electronic program guide (EPG), as well as the XTVTM DVR and additional NDS interactive infrastructure. Powered by NDS, Tata Sky’s interactive services include Active Star News™ with interactive news and weather updates and a range of popular multi-level games. Together, these NDS solutions enable Tata Sky to deliver advanced services that are the basis for a viewing experience that is unsurpassed in the rapidly expanding pay-TV market in India.
Tata Sky launched its DTH satellite pay-TV service in August of 2006 with the goal of reaching one million connections by the end of their first year of operation. Tata Sky achieved that goal, and then required only another 10 months to reach the 2 million connections mark and just seven months to reach the 3 million connections milestone. NDS CAS and DRM technology protects over 95.4 million digital devices, including over 14.5 million DVRs, around the globe, making NDS the global leader. Middleware from NDS has been deployed in over 98.7 million devices. NDS facilities in New Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore all play a role in supporting Tata Sky.
Giuseppe Verdi's Finest To Be SatDelivered
Microspace Communications Corporation (Microspace) has been selected by Emerging Pictures to deliver the 2009 season opening night performance of “Don Carlo” live in HD from the world-renowned La Scala opera house in Milan, Italy.
The event will mark the first live satellite-delivered opera from La Scala, considered one of the world's most famous opera houses. Microspace will deliver the event live in HD and multi-channel surround sound to selected theaters December 7 at 12:00PM EST (6:00 p.m. in Milan) to six states including California, Maryland, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island.
La Scala’s Opening Night is widely considered one of European society’s most important cultural events. Italy’s elite are joined in attendance by international heads of state, royalty, VIPs, and the world’s most ardent opera fans. Last year’s Opening Night, tickets soared to US $2800 each, and it is anticipated that this year’s performance of “Don Carlo” will command even a higher premium, as this opera is widely considered to be Giuseppe Verdi’s greatest work. The digital cinema presentation is a collaboration between New York based Emerging Pictures and RAI Trade.
The Microspace network of installed theater sites across the U.S., Canada and Mexico gives content providers such as Emerging Pictures the option of delivering live alternative content. Microspace offers the world’s only full-time, dedicated, digital cinema satellite system to distribute motion pictures as well as live performances. The system currently serves eight major motion picture studios and 22 theater networks that include Allen Theaters, Carmike Cinemas, Celebration! Cinemas, Cineplex Entertainment, Mann Theaters, Marquee Cinemas, and Megaplex Theaters.
DataPath's DKETs Increase Support for Military
DataPath, Inc., once again will do what it takes to ensure that the U.S. military has the communications equipment needed to ensure maximum contact on the battlefield. The company was awarded $3.3 million in two delivery orders to manufacture and install dual-antenna DataPath® DKET satellite communications (SATCOM) hubs in support of U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) and the U.S. Marine Corps in Southwest Asia. The U.S. military uses an extensive network of DataPath DKETs as communications hubs that deliver high-bandwidth voice, video and data connectivity on the battlefield. Under the delivery orders, DataPath will provide two dual-antenna DKETs, one of which will be configured for operation in Ka band to utilize the Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) system when operational needs require it. Program Manager WIN-T's Commercial SATCOM Terminal Program (CSTP) at the U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command in Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, made the awards through the CSTP Blanket Purchase Agreement contract.
“DataPath DKETs are a critical element of the Department of Defense’s SATCOM backbone in Southwest Asia,” said Steve Lindeman, vice president of Business Operations at DataPath. “We are working closely with the military to ensure that the next generation of earth terminals is configured for use with the WGS constellation, which provides critical space segment availability and increased bandwidth throughput in support of operational requirements.”
DataPath has worked with the U.S. military since 1998 to build the DKET network, which features more than 75 terminals. The DataPath DKET is a highly transportable, self-contained Earth terminal that establishes headquarters-level network connectivity anywhere the mission demands. DKET systems feature MaxView® network management software and are supported by DataPath’s experienced field services personnel that work side by side with deployed warfighters.
China's New Remote Sensing Sat Launched
China has launched a new remote sensing satellite from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, the fifth satellite in the YaoGan series and developed by the China Academy of Space Technology, was launched by a CZ-4B Chang Zheng-4B rocket at 03:22 UTC yesterday morning. According to the Chinese media, the YaoGan-5 satellite will be used for scientific research, land resources surveying, crop yield estimate, and disaster prevention and relief. Announced as a remote sensing and disaster relief satellite series, the YaoGan satellites have an “obscure” mission. The first YaoGan satellite (29092 2006-015A) was launched by a CZ-4C Chang Zheng-4C (CZ4C-1) from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center on April 27, 2006. At the time the details about this satellite were very rare, but later it was said that this was the first Jian Bing-5 satellite and was equipped with the first space-based synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Other YaoGan launches have occurred on May 25, 2007, November 12th, 2007, and on December 1st, 2008. According to, modifications on the CZ-4B included larger payload fairing, the replacement of the original mechanical-electrical control on the CZ-4 with an electronic control, an improved telemetry, tracking, control, and self-destruction systems with smaller size and lighter weight. It also includes a revised nozzle design in the second stage for better high-altitude performance, a propellant management system for the second stage to reduce the spare propellant amount, thus increasing the vehicle’s payload capability and a propellant jettison system on the third-stage.
This launch was the 10th orbital launch by China this year, the 115th Chinese orbital launch, the 27th orbital launch from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, and the fourth orbital launch from Taiyuan this year. Situated in the Kelan County on the northwest part of the Shanxi Province, the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center is also known by the Wuzhai designation. The site is used mainly for polar launches (meteorological, Earth resources, and scientific satellites). The launch center is equipped with a Mission Command and Control Center, a Technical Center and telemetry, tracking and communications centers. There are two launch complexes in Taiyuan. The next Chinese launch will probably be the launch of the FY-2E Feng Yun-2E meteorological satellite from Xi Chang Satellite Launch Center that is scheduled to take place in the last 10 days of this year. The satellite will be launched by a CZ-2A Chang Zheng-3A rocket.
(Source: NASA Photo, above, is of the YaoGan-5 satellite.)
SES Americom Pulls Plug On IP-Prime
News arrives that is perhaps surprising to some — SES Americom announced it will cease providing its IPTV wholesale programming service, IP-Prime, to North American telcos by July 31, 2009. The termination was blamed on slow adoption of IPTV by small and medium-sized telecom operators, its primary customer base, as well as what it called a difficult market outlook for this kind of service.
Just one week ago SES Chief Financial Officer Robert Kisilywicz announced the success of the IP Prime platform to a group at UBS’s annual global media and communications conference. He stated that the company’s content aggregation business was thriving due to demand for high-definition programming and the long-term agreements it had in place with programmers. He described the business outlook for 2009 as both rare and positive despite the economic downturn.
Despite the cessation of IP-Prime which is surprising to some, considering the positive picture Kisilywicz’s presented, it won't affect the company’s financial guidance for this year or the next, according to an SES Americom spokesman.
“This does not mean that we no longer believe in satellite’s role in an IPTV environment; we do very much,” the spokesman said. “However, the way the platform was positioned and set up, we just cannot see how we are going to get it to operate according to our self-set criteria for return on investment. We are not getting there, because we have to take into consideration that we are not only talking about the physical platform in Vernon Valley with SES Americom, but we also have a satellite aspect behind it, AMC-9. This satellite is 22 transponders that have been distributing programming okay but to a virtually non-existent audience.” According to the spokesman, if a third party expresses interest in the IP-Prime platform, or contributing to it, SES may reconsider the service, however in today’s market terminating it made the most sense.
IP-Prime has signed IPTV signal delivery agreements this last year with 70 small telecom operators, 37 of which have reached commercial deployment. The disappointing aspect is that the company estimates the end-subscriber base remained at less than 10,000 at the end of November.
“I think that SES Americom is, at its core, a satellite company,” said Bernie Arnason, managing partner at Pivot Media. “I still believe in the concept of IP Prime for sure, in terms of what it is trying to accomplish, but the reality of SES, and this is very specific to SES, the reality of their core competency hit home. They are a satellite company; they are not an IPTV systems integration company.”
LNA Mobility Transmitter Released By Mitsubishi Electric
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation has developed a full-mold package low noise GaAs high electron mobility transistor (HEMT), the MGF4921AM, highly suitable for low noise amplifiers in satellite digital radio reception systems. This product can also be used in low noise amplifiers for C-band direct broadcast satellite (DBS) reception systems, with shipments to start on January 26, 2009.
Mitsubishi Electric will begin shipment of a HEMT with low noise characteristics that are top-level in the industry at a wide range of frequency waves from S- to C-bands. By optimizing gate width and by improving stability at low frequency bands, Mitsubishi Electric has improved device noise figure to 0.35 dB, an industry top-level low noise characteristic and 0.1 dB lower than the company’s 12 GHz model, the MGF4953A, when measured at 2.4 GHz on a stable matching circuit. Using this product in the first stage of amplifiers, which strictly requires low noise characteristics, improves sensitivity in reception converters for satellite digital radios, helping to expand radio coverage area and decrease production costs in reception converters. The MGF4921AM has an industry standard 4-pin full-mold package. An unchanged foot pattern from the previous model will shorten development periods for satellite communication equipment manufacturers. Mitsubishi Electric will increase its lineup of low noise GaAs HEMTs for the second and third stage in amplifiers with improvements in output power and distortion characteristics.
Multi-UAVs — Single Commander — Proxy Aviation Systems Technology Funded
Proxy Aviation Systems received $4.4 million in federal funding to advance their unmanned aerial systems and unique cooperative flight technology.
Draco Is All Fired Up For Dragon
Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX) has marked another significant advance with the performance of its smallest rocket engine, Draco. Known as a "thruster," the new engine fired continuously for ten minutes in a specially constructed vacuum test chamber that simulates the space environment. After a ten-minute thermal soak period, Draco was restarted for an additional minute, simulating its typical use in space. Performed at the SpaceX Texas Test Facility outside McGregor, this marks the longest firing of the Draco thruster, as well as the longest test on the new vacuum test stand, built by SpaceX and first put into operation in March 2008. SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft uses a total of 18 Draco thrusters for maneuvering, attitude control, and to initiate the capsule's return to Earth. The SpaceX-developed Draco thruster generates up to 90 pounds (400 Newtons) of force using monomethyl hydrazine as a fuel and nitrogen tetroxide as an oxidizer — the same orbital maneuvering propellants used by the Space Shuttle. These storable propellants have very long on-orbit lifetimes, providing the option for the Dragon spacecraft to remain berthed at the ISS for a year or more, ready to serve as an emergency "lifeboat" if necessary. The first Dragon spacecraft is scheduled for flight in 2009 aboard a Falcon 9 rocket from the SpaceX launch site at Complex 40, Cape Canaveral, Florida. (Image is an artist's concept of Dragon spacecraft in orbit, courtesy of SpaceX.)
Boldly Brazilian TV Distributes Via Scopus
Scopus Video Networks [NASDAQ: SCOP] announced that Brazilian broadcasting company RMT chose Scopus digital networking solutions to upgrade the video distribution networks for two regional RMT television stations, TV Centro America and TV Morena. The combination of Scopus encoding, multiplexing, DVB S2 channel coding, and network management equipment has helped RMT significantly reduce its bandwidth costs and raise its quality-of-service levels for viewers throughout two large Brazilian states.
"With the Scopus solutions and their support of the DVB S2 standard, we've been able to reduce our bandwidth costs by 30 percent, in fact, we expect to see a complete return on our investment in 18 months," said Luis Botello, RMT's engineering director. "We've also seen significant improvements in service quality, and Scopus' ability to provide a reliable, turnkey solution with access to local support puts it head and shoulders above other vendors."
TV Centro America broadcasts to 120 cities in Mato Grosso state and TV Morena broadcasts to 100 cities in Mato Grosso do Sul state. Both stations are regional affiliates of TV Globo, Brazil's largest television network. Prior to installing the Scopus equipment, the stations' satellite distribution system was based on leased equipment that had become outdated and could no longer meet RMT's standards for reliability and quality of service. After evaluating multiple vendors, RMT chose a combination of equipment from Scopus, installing UE-9000 encoders, the IVG 7304 Intelligent Video Gateway, IRD-2900 integrated receiver decoders, and the NMS 4000 centralized network management system.
The Scopus solutions form the basis for a new transmission infrastructure that enables RMT to leverage the lower cost and reliability of content delivery over an IP network. Content is delivered via IP from TV Globo to TV Centro America's operations center in Cuiaba and TV Morena's center in Campo Grande. The video feeds (four channels for TV Centro America and three for TV Moreno) are received and decoded by the IRD-2900 integrated receiver decoders and then multiplexed for insertion of local content by the IVG 7304. The UE-9000 provides local content encoding for distribution to viewers' homes. The Scopus NMS 4000 provides a centralized, holistic view of each network to simplify troubleshooting and help RMT maintain consistent, high-quality transmissions.
Voluminous VSAT Venture By CapRock
As CapRock Communications begins transitioning Transocean's offshore rig fleet into its global satellite network, such marks the official beginning of the world's largest global deployment of these services for a single drilling contractor.
Under the terms of the new agreement, CapRock Communications will consolidate Transocean's different VSAT systems and services across its geographically dispersed fleet and shore base facilities into one network. This common network will support Transocean's rigs moving seamlessly from one region to the next, providing true global mobility without the burden of changing satellite equipment or dispatching field service personnel. CapRock will leverage its strategically located teleports and regional support centers around the globe and will tap its large pool of trained global field personnel to provide worldwide service and response. The deal represents an expansion of the existing partnership between Transocean and CapRock Communications where CapRock has provided broadband services to Transocean's fleet in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and certain rigs in West Africa and Brazil. With the new contract, CapRock's VSAT connectivity will support Voice over IP (VoIP), secure access to the corporate network and Internet access.
Spot On... QuickSpot Moves To On Call Communications
On Call Communications has assumed management of the QuickSPOT satellite bandwidth-on-demand service from Intelsat.
Starting immediately, On Call will manage the marketing, sales, and technical operations of the award winning service platform. QuickSPOT is a bundled service consisting of a line of versatile, fully automated satellite terminals and a unique management system which provides satellite bandwidth on an on demand basis. The service has multiple service packages where users can pay for dedicated bandwidth by the minute, hour, day, week, or month. With more than 200 terminals in the field, QuickSPOT is the proven choice for broadcast news, emergency responders, webcasters, and enterprise users. No technical knowledge is required and the system is “on-air” within five minutes of pressing a single button virtually anywhere in the U.S. Using an IP based protocol, the service works with all internet devices. The service supports standard and high definition video, VoIP telephone & facsimile, video conferencing, file transfers, and fiber restoration.
Stratos To the Defence of the Canadians
Stratos Global Corporation has been selected by the Canadian Federal Government to provide a wide range of Inmarsat mobile satellite systems over a multi-year period. The contract, valued at $25 CAD million, was awarded to Stratos subsidiary Stratos Wireless Inc. by the Information Technology Services Branch (ITSB) of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC). The agreement enables Stratos to provide products and services to all departments of the Canadian Federal Government, including the Department of National Defence, from 2009 through 2011, followed by two additional one-year options.
Among the systems Stratos is providing to the Canadian Federal Government is Inmarsat's BGAN (Broadband Global Area Network), a mobile satellite service that uses portable, lightweight terminals to provide simultaneous, high-speed data (up to 492 kbps) and voice connectivity anywhere in the world. BGAN is ideally suited to enable communications in areas where terrestrial or cellular networks are damaged, congested, or non-existent.
In June, Stratos became the first company licensed to offer BGAN to the Canadian market. Since its introduction in late 2005, BGAN from Stratos has been widely adopted by military and NGO agencies, media organizations, first responders and professionals in many other industries worldwide. Stratos now boasts BGAN customers in 185 countries, which cover 95 percent of the BGAN footprint. Those customers fully utilize The Stratos Advantage, a suite of value-added services that help make BGAN usage more productive and affordable.
With the benefit of The Stratos Advantage, BGAN from Stratos provides value-added services, including Stratos Dashboard for BGAN, provide users with cost control, firewall management, full traffic information, pre-paid facilities, high security options, easy VPN access, messaging services and full IP range.
"This new contract recognizes the high level of service that Stratos has provided to the Canadian Federal Government in the past and ensures that we can continue to serve all of its important agencies well into the future," said Stratos President and CEO Jim Parm. "The Canadian government and many other governments worldwide have learned that Stratos is ideally qualified to provide the most sophisticated mobile satellite systems, along with superior service, to support a wide range of mission-critical applications."
Convergence of a New (Intelsat) Dawn for Africa
It's in the works — Intelsat, Ltd., announced a joint venture with a South African investor group led by Convergence Partners that will utilize project financing to build and launch a new satellite into the 33º East orbital location, ideally positioned to serve the African continent. The satellite, to be called “Intelsat New Dawn,” will feature a payload optimized to deliver wireless backhaul, broadband and television programming to the continent and is expected to enter service in early 2011. The satellite will be operated and marketed as part of the global Intelsat fleet. The manufacture and launch of the Intelsat New Dawn satellite is expected to be completed by 2010, after which the satellite will join the other 25 satellites within Intelsat’s global fleet that provide Africa with critical transmission services. Photo: Telephone Bureau, Malawi Near Salima, Malawi May 2007
It is known that Africa has been one of the fastest growing regions for fixed satellite services in recent years, fueled by demand for critical infrastructure from communications providers and television programmers. Wireless telecom operators, broadband service providers, corporate network service providers and direct-to-home television operators have experienced growth along with the economic development of the region. The New Dawn joint venture was established to provide solutions for African communication needs, and is expected to deliver new capacity for voice, wireless backhaul, Internet and media applications.
The joint venture recently concluded agreements for financing of the project, which is expected to cost a total of about $250 million. The project is to be funded approximately 15 percent with equity and 85 percent with debt, the debt being in the form of non-recourse project financing provided by African institutions. Nedbank Capital, part of the Nedbank Group (one of South Africa’s largest banking groups) and a leading telecom project financier in South Africa has arranged the debt financing. Nedbank and the Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa, a self-financing national development finance institution, are the largest participants in the debt funding consortium. The equity is to be provided by Intelsat (74.9 percent) and the Convergence Partners-led group (25.1 percent), which also includes Altirah Telecoms. Intelsat’s cash contribution to the project is expected to be approximately $25 million.
Over 50 percent of the satellite’s 28 C- and 24 Ku-band 36 MHz transponder units are under contract, with pre-launch commitments received from leading wireless, network and video service providers such as Vodacom International Ltd., Gateway Communications Africa (UK) Ltd., Zain Nigeria and Gilat Satcom. Pre-orders for satellite capacity, or backlog, currently total more than $350 million, with some contracts for up to 15 years of service on the satellite.
Andile Ngcaba, Chairman of Convergence Partners said, “Today marks an important milestone in the development of Africa’s infrastructure. The New Dawn joint venture, with its optimized satellite and African-led financing, represents a solution for Africa by Africa. Over the course of this satellite’s life, it will provide world-class connectivity, allowing businesses to grow and rural communities to connect. Convergence Partners believes that investments in African projects of this nature can offer superior returns while also accelerating the socio-economic development of the continent.”
“Intelsat has provided satellite communications to Africa for more than 40 years. We have witnessed the economic growth realized by our customers when they have access to reliable communications,” said David McGlade, CEO of Intelsat. “The New Dawn joint venture is a great example of the type of creative investments Intelsat will use to further develop our fleet in regions where we believe there is unmet demand. Once in service, Intelsat New Dawn will be an integral part of our global, resilient satellite network, providing growth capacity and allowing us to further expand our services to our long-time customers in Africa.”
Hubble Bubbles With Info of Carbon Dioxide on Planet
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has been busy as of late, most recently discovering carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of a planet orbiting another star. This breakthrough is an important step toward finding chemical biotracers of extraterrestrial life. Previous observations of HD 189733b by Hubble and the Spitzer Space Telescope found water vapor. Earlier this year, Hubble found methane in the planet's atmosphere.
While the Jupiter-sized planet, called HD 189733b, is too hot for life, the Hubble observations are a proof-of-concept demonstration that the basic chemistry for life can be measured on planets orbiting other stars. Organic compounds also can be a by-product of life processes and their detection on an Earthlike planet someday may provide the first evidence of life beyond our planet. "Hubble was conceived primarily for observations of the distant universe, yet it is opening a new era of astrophysics and comparative planetary science," said Eric Smith, Hubble Space Telescope program scientist at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "These atmospheric studies will begin to determine the compositions and chemical processes operating on distant worlds orbiting other stars. The future for this newly opened frontier of science is extremely promising as we expect to discover many more molecules in exoplanet atmospheres."
Mark Swain, a research scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, used Hubble's near infrared camera and multi-object spectrometer to study infrared light emitted from the planet, which lies 63 light-years away. Gases in the planet's atmosphere absorb certain wavelengths of light from the planet's hot glowing interior. Swain identified carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. The molecules leave a unique spectral fingerprint on the radiation from the planet that reaches Earth. This is the first time a near-infrared emission spectrum has been obtained for an exoplanet.
"The carbon dioxide is the main reason for the excitement because, under the right circumstances, it could have a connection to biological activity as it does on Earth," Swain said. "The very fact we are able to detect it and estimate its abundance is significant for the long-term effort of characterizing planets to find out what they are made of and if they could be a possible host for life."
This type of observation is best done on planets with orbits tilted edge-on to Earth. They routinely pass in front of and then behind their parent stars, phenomena known as eclipses. The planet HD 189733b passes behind its companion star once every 2.2 days. The eclipses allow an opportunity to subtract the light of the star alone, when the planet is blocked, from that of the star and planet together prior to eclipse. That isolates the emission of the planet and makes possible a chemical analysis of its atmosphere.
"In this way, we are using the eclipse of the planet behind the star to probe the planet's day side, which contains the hottest portions of its atmosphere," said team member Guatam Vasisht of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. "We are starting to find the molecules and to figure out how many there are to see the changes between the day side and the night side."
This successful demonstration of looking at near-infrared light emitted from a planet is very encouraging for astronomers planning to use NASA's James Webb Space Telescope after it is launched in 2013. These biomarkers are best seen at near-infrared wavelengths. Astronomers look forward to using the James Webb Space Telescope to look spectroscopically for biomarkers on a terrestrial planet the size of Earth or a "super-Earth" several times our planet's mass.
"The Webb telescope should be able to make much more sensitive measurements of these primary and secondary eclipse events," Swain said. For further information about the Hubble space telescope
NATO Extends Globecomm's GPS FTS Project
Globecomm Systems Inc. [NASDAQ: GCOM], has received a contract modification from NATO valued at $7.3 million to extend communication services for on site support for the Company’s previously deployed GPS-Based Force Tracking System (FTS). Globecomm provides satellite-based communications infrastructure solutions and services on a global basis.
Globecomm previously announced approximately $27.5 million in contracts from NATO to design and install a GPS FTS, bringing the combined contract value to $34.8 million. The FTS provides NATO with high levels of tracking data and messaging traffic, and enables NATO to identify where its personnel are located at all times, identify other multi-national forces and have the ability to do so in routine and operational situations. This is critical in assisting with the identification of friendly versus enemy forces and helps prevent fratricide or “blue-on-blue” incidents.
Paul Knudsen, Vice President of Globecomm’s Eastern Atlantic Team, said, “Globecomm’s relationship with NATO continues to expand. This on-going project demonstrates how Globecomm’s infrastructure business units complement the Company’s service operations and validates our end-to-end solution business model.”
HOT BIRD-9 Now Atop Ariane 5 SatDispenser
The first satellite for Arianespace's year-ending mission of 2008 began its final integration phase on December 9th, with HOT BIRD-9 installed atop the launch vehicle's dual-payload dispenser at the Spaceport in French Guiana. HOT BIRD-9 is one of two spacecraft to be orbited for Europe's Eutelsat telecommunications organization on the December 20 flight, joining W2M aboard the heavy-lift Ariane 5 ECA. During the morning's activity inside the Ariane 5 Final Assembly Building at the Spaceport, HOT BIRD-9 was lowered into place atop the SYLDA dispenser. This positions the satellite in the upper portion of the payload "stack" and readies the HOT BIRD 9/SYLDA element to be encapsulated inside the payload fairing. The next step will be to install W2M on the Ariane 5's central core stage, after which the HOT BIRD 9/SYLDA/payload fairing combination will be placed over the satellite. This activity will completed complete the Ariane 5 for launch. Arianespace's December 20 launch with HOT BIRD-9 and W2M will be the sixth flight of the workhorse Ariane 5 in 2008.
Pyroshocking Success For SBIRS Sat Solar Array
GEO-1 Spacecraft Solar Array Deployment Pyroshock testing is used to demo the operational deployment of critical satellite components. The U.S. Air Force's first geosynchronous Space Based Infrared Systems (SBIRS) satellite successfully completed Pyroshock deployment testing Nov. 26th at the development site, Lockheed Martin, Sunnyvale, Calif, propelling unprecedented early missile warning capability one step closer to the warfighter. Pyroshock testing proves satellite survivability during the rigors of launch and the initial deployment operations necessary to successfully achieve orbit. Pyroshock testing verifies the proper operation of the separation mechanism between the spacecraft and the launch vehicle, the deployment of the satellite's solar arrays and communication antennas, as well as the SBIRS unique deployable light shade and contamination door assembly, used to protect the highly sensitive optical sensors. (Photo, right, is courtesy of SMC/L.A.F.B. and shows the GEO-1's satellite solar arrays deployment, an integral element of Pyroshock testing.)
SBIRS is the nation's nexgen early missile warning system, replacing the legacy Defense Support Program satellite with unrivaled missile warning capability; delivering a new generation of space-based satellites providing missile warning, missile defense, technical intelligence and battlespace awareness to combatant commanders. SBIRS is revolutionizing space based infrared monitoring of the earth with its wide field of view, increased sensitivity, fast revisit rate and persistent presence. The deployment of the deployable light shade (shown above) is a key objective of Pyroshock testing. Here, Pyroshock test engineers inspect the deployed light shade to verify its successful deployment. The SBIRS program develops both the highly elliptical orbiting payloads and geosynchronous orbiting satellites, as well as the ground systems to support mission operations. (Photo, left, is courtesy of SMC/L.A.F.B. and shows the GEO-1's deployable light shade.)
Water ice glaciers spotted on Mars
An artist's concept of how glaciers on Mars might look.
(Credit: NASA/JPL)The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has detected what NASA scientists believe are huge glaciers of water ice lying beneath a layer of rocky debris.
The finding is significant because it helps scientists better understand a feature of the Martian surface that has puzzled them for decades. In the 1970s, the Viking orbiters sent back images that showed what have been dubbed "aprons," or large, gently sloping deposits of debris situated at the base of tall geographic formations like cliffs. Several theories for what created these aprons have been posed over the years. This research indicates that what's just beneath that debris is of much greater interest.
To investigate the planet's surface, the MRO spacecraft uses a radar instrument, donated for the project by the Italian Space Agency, that can penetrate the Martian ground. The instrument detected radio waves bouncing off a layer of material beneath the surface that were consistent with what is found in areas covered with water ice glaciers.
One of the things that makes the glaciers so interesting is their location. They're in the middle latitudes, far from the planet's polar caps where other signs of water ice have been discovered. The glaciers observed in this study are in the southern hemisphere, but similar features have been spotted in the same latitude bands in the northern hemisphere. That led researchers to believe that, however the glaciers got there, they're the result of a climate-based phenomenon.
And they're big, too. The glaciers reach for dozens of miles. One is three times larger than the city of Los Angeles and is up to a half-mile thick.
"Altogether, these glaciers almost certainly represent the largest reservoir of water ice on Mars that is not in the polar caps," lead author John W. Holt, of the University of Texas at Austin, said in a report.
Next-gen Mars rover mission delayed until 2011
NASA will delay the launch of the next-generation Mars rover two years due to technical difficulties and cost overruns.
The mission, which was originally scheduled for late next year, is now slated for 2011, officials said Thursday, according to a report in the Los Angeles Times. The new target date was the earliest available because missions to Mars can be launched only every 26 months, when the Earth and Mars are properly aligned.
The SUV-size rover, known as the Mars Science Laboratory, is designed to explore the planet's surface for the possibility of habitability, both current and past. But problems developed in the design and operation of the 31 actuators that control the mechanics of the craft, including the steering mechanism and its robotic arm, according to the report.
Meanwhile, NASA plans to try to contact the Mars Phoenix lander in the Martian spring, according to a Reuters report. The Phoenix, which landed on Mars in May, last communicated with the Mars Odyssey orbiter on November 2, when the lander lost power and shut down.
NASA had expected the Phoenix to lose power during the harsh Martian winter, when temperatures dip to negative 150 degrees Fahrenheit. But NASA said there is a chance that the lander survived the winter and will try to re-establish contact in the Martian spring.
Lunar satellite mission on track for 2014 launch
A United Kingdom-led mission to put a satellite in orbit around the moon, potentially enabling lunar colonists to use mobile phones to communicate with each other, has inched a step closer to blastoff.
The British National Space Centre has announced that it will undertake a technical-feasibility study of the MoonLITE, or Moon Lightweight Interior and Telecom Experiment, mission, which Lord Drayson, the U.K. minister of state for science and innovation, said could help answer fundamental questions about the composition of the moon.
The study will report with a full mission schedule and costs late next year. It is expected to take nine months, with the support of NASA, which is assessing any potential contribution it could make to the science and technology of the mission. A tender process for the feasibility study contract will run until March.
Depending on the outcome of the study, the MoonLITE mission could launch by about 2014, the BNSC said, reiterating that no decision will be made to proceed with, build, or launch the MoonLITE mission until the study has reported its findings.
The plan for the mission is to put a satellite in orbit around the moon for use as a telecommunications station, relaying data from a network of geophysical instruments on the moon's surface back to Earth.
The instruments will gather data on the strength and frequency of moonquakes, as well as on the thickness of the crust and core. They also aim to determine whether organic material or water is present in the moon's polar regions.
In addition to relaying this scientific data back to Earth, the satellite system should also ensure a full four-bar mobile signal for lunar colonists living in a moon base, which NASA wants to build after 2020.
Attacks on satellites
In recent times satellites have been hacked by militant organisations to broadcast propaganda and to pilfer classified information from military communication networks.[22][23]
Satellites in low earth orbit have been destroyed by ballistic missiles launched from earth. Russia, the United States and China have demonstrated the ability to eliminate satellites.[24] In 2007 the Chinese military shot down an aging weather satellite,[24] followed by the US Navy shooting down a defunct spy satellite in February 2008.[25] Russia and the United States have also shot down satellites during the Cold war.
Due to the low received signal strength of satellite transmissions they are prone to jamming by land-based transmitters. Such jamming is limited to the geographical area within the transmitter's range. GPS satellites are potential targets for jamming,[26][27] but satellite phone and television signals have also been subjected to jamming.Launch-capable countries
Main article: Timeline of first orbital launches by nationality
This list includes countries with an independent capability to place satellites in orbit, including production of the necessary launch vehicle. Note: many more countries have the capability to design and build satellites — which relatively speaking, does not require much economic, scientific and industrial capacity — but are unable to launch them, instead relying on foreign launch services. This list does not consider those numerous countries, but only lists those capable of launching satellites indigenously, and the date this capability was first demonstrated. Does not include consortium satellites or multi-national satellites.
Country | Year of first launch | First satellite |
1957 | Sputnik 1 | |
1958 | Explorer 1 | |
1965 | Astérix | |
1970 | Ōsumi | |
1970 | Dong Fang Hong I | |
1971 | Prospero X-3 | |
1980 | Rohini | |
1988 | Ofeq 1 |
Both North Korea (1998) and Iraq (1989) have claimed orbital launches (satellite and warhead accordingly), but these claims are unconfirmed.
In addition to the above, countries such as South Africa, Spain, Italy, Germany, Canada, Australia, Argentina, Egypt and private companies such as OTRAG, have developed their own launchers, but have not had a successful launch. On September 28th, 2008, the private aerospace firm SpaceX successfully launched its Falcon 1 rocket in to orbit. This marked the first time that a privately built liquid-fueled booster was able to reach orbit.[16] The rocket carried a prism shaped 1.5 m (5 ft) long payload mass simulator that was set into orbit. The dummy satellite, known as Ratsat, will remain in orbit for between five and ten years before burning up in the atmosphere.[16]
As of 2008, only seven countries from list above ( Russia and Ukraine instead of USSR, also USA, Japan, China, India, and Israel) and one regional organization (the European Space Agency, ESA) have independently launched satellites on their own indigenously developed launch vehicles. (The launch capabilities of the United Kingdom and France now fall under the ESA.)
Several other countries, including South Korea, Iran, Brazil, Pakistan, Romania, Kazakhstan, Australia, Malaysia[citation needed] and Turkey, are at various stages of development of their own small-scale launcher capabilities.
It is scheduled that in early 2008 South Korea will launch a KSLV rocket (created with assistance of Russia). Iran already has successfully tested its own space launch vehicle (Kavoshgar 1) and is scheduled to put its first domestic satellite (Omid 1) into orbit within a year from February 4, 2008.[citation needed]
While Canada was the third country to build a satellite which was launched into space,[19] it was launched aboard a U.S. rocket from a U.S. spaceport. The same goes for Australia, who launched on-board a donated Redstone rocket. The first Italian-launched was San Marco 1, launched on 15 December 1964 on a U.S. Scout rocket from Wallops Island (VA,USA) with an Italian Launch Team trained by NASA.[20] Australia's launch project (WRESAT) involved a donated U.S. missile and U. S. support staff as well as a joint launch facility with the United Kingdom.