GeoEye-1 collected an image over the United States Capitol and the Inauguration of President Barack Obama. The image, taken from 423 miles in space, is the world’s highest resolution, color satellite image of the Inaugural celebration.
The image, taken through high, whispy white clouds over Washington D.C., shows the monuments along the National Mall and masses of people between the Capitol and the Lincoln Memorial. Among the many interesting features in the image are the clusters of people gathered around large jumbotron screens. The image was taken by GeoEye’s newest satellite, GeoEye-1, as it moved from north to south along the eastern seaboard of the United States traveling at 17,000 mph, or about four miles per second. GeoEye-1 is able to discern objects on the ground as small as 0.41-meter, or about 16 inches in size, which represents an object about the size of home plate on a baseball diamond. However, due to current U.S. licensing restrictions, the imagery is re-sampled to half-meter ground resolution. The satellite is currently in its final stages of check-out and calibration. The 4,300-pound satellite was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, on September 6, 2008. GeoEye is making the imagery available at no cost. Select the image for a direct link to the GeoEye image URL.
(Photo credit: GeoEye Satellite Image)
Obama Inaugural Captured By GeoEye-1 From Height Of 423 Miles
Weather, Or Not, That Is The Question For H-IIA Launch
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) were scheduled to launch the Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite "IBUKI" (GOSAT) by the H-IIA Launch Vehicle No. 15 (H-IIA F15) on January 22, 2009 (Japan Standard Time, JST), from the Tanegashima Space Center. However, the launch has now been rescheduled to January 23 (JST) due to an excessive volume of clouds that include a freezing layer which are expected to cover the launch site on the original launch date. The launch time on January 23rd is now between 12:54 p.m. and 1:16 p.m. The final decision will be made as weather conditions continue to be monitored between this date and the 23rd.
Encapsulation Up Next For WGS-2 Satellite
The U.S. Air Force's second Wideband Global SATCOM spacecraft was shipped to Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on January 20th.
WGS-2 was transported to the launch site in an environmentally controlled container aboard an Air Force C-5 aircraft. From there, the satellite was transported to the Astrotech Space Facility in Titusville, Florida, for post-shipment processing. Over the next several weeks, the spacecraft will undergo various verification testing procedures and encapsulation in which the satellite is placed inside the nose cone at the top of the launch vehicle. WGS-2 is currently scheduled to be launched on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V launch vehicle on March 9th.
This major milestone has come at the end of extensive testing and verification of the satellite's capability. This test program also verifies the satellite's ability to withstand the rigors of launch and exposure to the harsh space environment over its projected 14-year mission life. The WGS-2 satellite will provide the warfighter with the same capabilities as WGS-1 while extending the global coverage. WGS is the nation's next-generation wideband SATCOM system and is being procured through a commercial contract between Boeing Satellite Systems, Inc. and the Wideband SATCOM Group, part of MILSATCOM Systems Wing. Boeing is on contract to provide six WGS satellites to the government in two blocks. The first block will be complete after the launch of WGS-3, currently scheduled for later this year. The second block includes satellites 4, 5 and 6, which is scheduled to begin launching in 2011.
Jupiter + Saturn Both Targets Of NASA | ESA Joint Missions
Following the selection of the Laplace proposal in October of 2007 as a candidate mission within the Cosmic Vision plan, the European Space Agency (ESA) performed an internal assessment study, with this preliminary study completed in 2008.
In 2007, NASA performed a series of studies for flagship missions, including among others, missions to Jupiter (the Jupiter System Observer) and its moon Europa (the Europa Explorer Mission). From the early stages of the ESA study process, it was agreed with NASA that a joint mission to the Jupiter system should be studied. Joint Science Definition Teams (JSDTs) were formed with U.S. and European membership to guide study activities that were conducted collaboratively by engineering teams working on both sides of the Atlantic. This joint mission represents a merger of the mission proposals that were originally proposed, separately, to the two space agencies. The combined mission is currently referred to as the Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM). The main results and the current baseline of the EJSM mission study are summarized in a joint report, describing all mission elements. This joint report is now publicly available and can be downloaded by selecting the image below.
The Titan and Enceladus Mission (TandEM), an ambitious scientific mission to study the Saturnian system with particular emphasis on the moons Titan and Enceladus, was selected in October 2007 as a candidate mission within the ESA Cosmic Vision plan.
An internal assessment study of TandEM was initiated and completed by ESA in 2008. In 2007, NASA performed a series of studies for flagship missions, including among others, missions to the Saturnian moons Titan (the Titan Explorer Flagship Mission) and Enceladus (the Enceladus Flagship Mission). From the early stages of the ESA study process it was agreed with NASA that a joint mission to the Saturnian system should be studied. Joint Science Definition Teams (JSDTs) were formed with U.S. and European membership to guide study activities that were conducted collaboratively by engineering teams working on both sides of the Atlantic. This joint mission represents a merger of the mission proposals that were originally proposed, separately, to the two space agencies. The combined mission is currently referred to as the Titan Saturn System Mission (TSSM). The main results and the current baseline of the TSSM mission study are summarized in a joint report, describing all mission elements, which is downloadable by selecting the graphic below.
SHARAD's Icy Purview Of Mars
Antenna technology designed and built by Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) has made it possible for a radar sounder instrument aboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) to detect huge glaciers on the Red Planet covered by a layer of dust and rocks.
The antenna was developed by Astro Aerospace, a business unit of Northrop Grumman's Aerospace Systems sector, for the Italian Space Agency's SHAllow RADar (SHARAD) instrument. SHARAD probes below the Martian surface using radar waves in the 15-25 MHz frequency band for high-depth resolution. Scientists analyze the reflection of radar waves to characterize the Martian surface and subsurface layers of rocks, dust, and ice. A radar capable of seeing deeply requires a very large antenna such as SHARAD's, which is 10 meters (32.8 feet) in length but weighs less than three kilograms (6.6 lbs).
(Photo: courtesy of Northrop Grumman Corp.)
Gilat and SkyEdge Provide USO to Kazakhstan
Rural locations don't mean going without connectivity thanks to Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd. [Nasdaq: GILT] which announced it has been selected by its long-time customer, and Kazakhstan's major telecommunications operator, JSC Kazakhtelecom (KT), to expand its existing SkyEdge network to serve several hundred additional sites in remote locations nationwide. Photo: Sharyn Canyon Kazakhstan
In addition to providing network connectivity for businesses and consumers, the new expansion will be used to provide telephony and broadband Internet services to remote communities in Kazakhstan as part of a Universal Service Obligation (USO). Gilat's SkyEdge VSATs are ideally suited for USO requirements, with toll-quality telephony, low-power options and very high MTBF. SkyEdge enables the delivery of advanced enterprise data networking and telephony services. JSC Kazakhtelecom uses Gilat SkyEdge broadband satellite network to also deliver advanced services to major corporations, enterprises, consumers as well as rural communities nationwide.
"Gilat's ability to anticipate and meet our requirements is the foundation of our successful, long-term business relationship. Gilat's SkyEdge network, based on advanced VSAT technology and experience, enables us to continue to provide the highest level of customer service while meeting the complex networking requirements of Kazakhstan's enterprises, government agencies and consumers," said KT Chief Technical Director Lezgovko Aleksandr Vladimirovich.
Arie Rozichner, Gilat's regional vice president, Eurasia, said, "We are proud to continue to support the growing needs of KT, a Gilat customer since 1998. Gilat's VSAT technology provides an excellent solution for KT, enabling the delivery of cost-effective, high-speed Internet and telephony services to citizens amid Kazakhstan's harsh terrain and severe weather conditions. We look forward to continuing our market leadership in Kazakhstan and helping KT improve the quality of life for citizens in the most remote regions of the country."
Ya, Sure, Ya Betcha — Swedish Space Acquires Universal Space Network
Guess working closely for 10 years must have made the next step a no-brainer when the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC) and Universal Space Network (USN) reached an agreement in which SSC will acquire all the shares of US-based USN. The two companies have been providing satellite owners with access to a cohesive network of ground stations that provide near-global coverage of any spacecraft orbit. PrioraNet, the trademarked name of this worldwide satellite tracking service, has successfully supported civil space, commercial and public missions since 1999.
"This further enhances our collective ability to provide satellite owners and operators with a one-stop shop for global telemetry, tracking, command and data services. With this integration of these two leading businesses, PrioraNet becomes the largest commercial service for satellite operations and communications," says Mr. Lars Persson, President and CEO of the Swedish Space Corporation. Mr. Tom Ingersoll, CEO of Universal Space Network states, "USN was founded in 1996 by Apollo Astronaut Pete Conrad to make a fundamental change in the space industry through commercialization. Since that time USN has been both a catalyst and a pioneering agent in advancing commercial space communications and operations services in the U.S. This is an opportunity for us and SSC together to carry this vision to the global space community." Charles "Pete" Conrad, Jr., is the third astronaut to walk on the moon
"Throughout this process the primary focus has been on increasing the robustness of our current space communications services while expanding the breadth of commercially based mission critical space operations services to the space industry," remarks Joe Rothenberg, USN President and Customer Service Officer. "We believe that this integration will result in a higher quality of service that will continue to enable more efficient development and execution of innovative space programs," added Rothenberg.
SSC anticipates that the acquisition, which is still subject to U.S. regulatory approval, will be completed within 90 to 120 days of this press release. Upon closing, USN will operate as a U.S.-based subsidiary of SSC.
This nEUROn Interface Design Now Completed — UCAV Trials Upcoming
In early February of 2006, French defense procurement agency DGA, the program executive agency, named Dassault Aviation as prime contractor in charge of developing nEUROn, a European combat aircraft that is an unmanned air combat vehicle (UCAV) demonstrator.
As of this writing, 85 percent of the total budget has now been awarded to industry by DGA, which acts on behalf of the six Partner States (France, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Greece and Switzerland). During the first half of 2008, all major nEUROn systems underwent design reviews with our industrial partners, thus ensuring overall program consistency. Interface design is almost complete, paving the way for more detailed work on the systems and airframe.
Ruag, the Swiss partner in this program, carried out two specific wind tunnel tests in 2008. The first helped to identify the conditions which could affect aerodynamics when the vehicle is near the ground (ground effect). The second analyzed the consequences of a bird strike on the leading edge of the wing. Results of these tests were positive, enabling engineers to freeze the final shape of the vehicle. Simultaneously, the AVE-C drone carried out a demonstration flight on June 30, 2008. As this drone features a general design similar to nEUROn, this test helped confirm the likelihood of the new UCAV performing a successful automatic takeoff and landing right as of its first flight. On October 10, 2008, as part of tests of new control surfaces, the AVE-C drone flight tested yaw control using thrust vectoring.
As a stealth configuration is one of the primary technological goals of this program, nEUROn requires the development and integration of new structural technologies to reduce both radar and infrared signature. The most critical subassemblies have now been produced, to support the development and validation of manufacturing and assembly processes. A complete nozzle, which could be considered a trial run for the program, has now been assembled by the Greek partner Hellenic Aerospace Industry (HAI), which also makes the aft fuselage section. Once mated to the Rolls-Royce Turbomeca Adour jet engine, this exhaust assembly was to undergo mechanical and integration tests in January 2009. The experimental development center at Dassault Aviation’s Argenteuil plant has produced an inlet demonstrator, while the Biarritz plant is making a complete leading edge section, about two meters long. Similar solutions have been applied throughout the production and design process to meet the stealth requirement, in particular very tight tolerances on final shapes, and the use of special devices. The maiden flight of nEUROn is scheduled for the end of 2011. Test flights will be carried out over a period of about 18 months, in France (Istres), then Sweden and Italy.
Attitude Just One Portion Of Rockwell Collin's Work On AeroVironment UAS
The Rockwell Collins Athena 411 Inertial Navigation, Global Positioning, Air Data, Attitude, Heading, Reference System (INS/GPS/ADAHRS) has been selected by AeroVironment for their Global Observer.
AeroVironment is developing Global Observer, a liquid hydrogen-powered Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) that will fly at an altitude of 65,000 feet for as many as seven days. The UAS is being designed for U.S. Special Operations Command as well as for other military and civilian applications. Developed for UAS and military applications, the Rockwell Collins Athena 411 integrates solid-state gyros and accelerometers, magnetometer, GPS receiver and air data sensors into a single small unit. This highly reliable, strap-down system provides attitude and heading measurements with accuracy that is superior to traditional inertial the Company's ARC-210 radio solution, which offers two-way, multi-mode voice and data communications over a 30 to 512 MHz frequency range. The system also includes embedded Ultra High Frequency (UHF) and Very High Frequency (VHF) anti-jam waveforms and other data link and secure communications features.
AeroVironment is developing and building the Global Observer aircraft over the next three years to demonstrate the ability to operate in the stratosphere for as many as seven days without landing. The program is intended to demonstrate the tactical utility of a hydrogen-powered unmanned aircraft system for global, stratospheric, long-duration missions. A system consisting of two or three aircraft will provide continuous intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) or communications relay over an area of interest. In addition to military applications, the Global Observer is being developed to address critical civilian applications such as hurricane/storm tracking, weather monitoring, wildfire detection, and sustained support for relief operations.
Mediterranean Sea ISR To Be SHOVALed To Israel Air Force With UAV
Israel will start flying maritime patrol sorties over the Mediterranean Sea by mid-2009. Israel will use modified Israel Aerospace Industries Heron (Shoval) unmanned air vehicles — a prototype has undergone flight testing over recent months. A senior Israeli Air Force (IAF) source says the use of UAVs will better enable maritime coverage than the service's current manned IAI Westwind 1124 business jet-based Seascans, which entered use in 1978. ShovalUAVs will gradually replace the current type, and according to the IAF, will be equipped with a similar payload. Confirmed system elements include maritime search radar provided by IAI's Elta Systems subsidiary, and a stabilized, long-range, optical observation system from Tamam.
Air Force UAV operators will act as mission controllers for the new aircraft — the payload will be managed by Israeli Navy specialists. IAI's baseline Heron has an endurance of more than 40 hours at an altitude of 30,000ft (9,150m), and can carry multiple payloads, with a total weight of 250kg (550lb). The medium-altitude, long-endurance type was recently employed by the Israeli Air Force during its participation in Operation "Cast Lead", which struck against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip.
(Source: Flight International, Arie Egozi)
ISS on HDTV Tour — Not Exactly Home and Garden TV
While all U.S. households will soon be transitioning to digital TV, the International Space Station team has been busy, having recently filmed a high-definition tour of the orbiting complex. Expedition 18 Commander Mike Fincke, aboard the International Space Station with Flight Engineers Sandy Magnus and Yury Lonchakov, recently filmed a 35-minute tour that will air as a special Video File on NASA Television's HD Channel 105 at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. CST Thursday and Friday, January 22 and 23.
The special Video File also will be broadcast in standard-definition on NASA TV immediately following the regularly scheduled daily Video File broadcasts. For technical information on how to receive the special broadcast in high definition, and for NASA TV streaming video, downlink and scheduling information, visit this site.
With a mass of almost 630,000 pounds, the station has grown to a size larger than an average four-bedroom house on Earth. The next space shuttle mission, designated STS-119, will continue the station's assembly by delivering a fourth and final set of solar arrays. Shuttle Discovery and its seven-member crew are targeted to launch February 12.
M2M App Debuts From Wavecom SA
Wavecom SA (Paris:AVM) (NASDAQ:WVCM) and its subsidiary, Anyware Technologies, have announced the launch of M2M Studio, a fully integrated suite of tools for the development of embedded software applications for industrial wireless devices based on Wavecom Wireless CPUs.
M2M Studio enables developers to create, develop, compile, download, debug and test their applications. Replacing the existing Open AT IDE, M2M Studio fully integrates previously isolated tools such as the source code editor, project build wizard, target download, RTE mode monitor, JTAG debugger, traces emulator and development tool chain, all within the Eclipse Ganymede framework. Eclipse and CDT (C/C++ Development Tools plug-in) are becoming the industry standard for C and C++ development in the embedded world. The development environment features an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) as well as improved and integrated GUI-based documentation. It comes with a new Enhanced Build System, a new Wireless CPU Connector, and a new Software Package Manager for managing Open AT OS, Firmware and Plug-Ins bundles. M2M Studio is delivered as a standalone package in the form of a simple Windows installer, or via an online update site for experienced Eclipse users. A new automatic software update module of M2M Studio will allow developers to smoothly upgrade to new releases of the IDE, providing them with easy access to continuous enhancements via Wavecom’s Internet update service. Select the graphic to learn more and for a free download.