Wavecom SA (Paris:AVM) (NASDAQ:WVCM) and its subsidiary, Anyware Technologies, have announced the launch of M2M Studio, a fully integrated suite of tools for the development of embedded software applications for industrial wireless devices based on Wavecom Wireless CPUs.
M2M Studio enables developers to create, develop, compile, download, debug and test their applications. Replacing the existing Open AT IDE, M2M Studio fully integrates previously isolated tools such as the source code editor, project build wizard, target download, RTE mode monitor, JTAG debugger, traces emulator and development tool chain, all within the Eclipse Ganymede framework. Eclipse and CDT (C/C++ Development Tools plug-in) are becoming the industry standard for C and C++ development in the embedded world. The development environment features an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) as well as improved and integrated GUI-based documentation. It comes with a new Enhanced Build System, a new Wireless CPU Connector, and a new Software Package Manager for managing Open AT OS, Firmware and Plug-Ins bundles. M2M Studio is delivered as a standalone package in the form of a simple Windows installer, or via an online update site for experienced Eclipse users. A new automatic software update module of M2M Studio will allow developers to smoothly upgrade to new releases of the IDE, providing them with easy access to continuous enhancements via Wavecom’s Internet update service. Select the graphic to learn more and for a free download.
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